Letter from the President of the AAVC

Portrait of AAVC president, Monica Vachher, class of 1977.
Courtesy of the subject
Greetings to all!

Having just returned from trustee and AAVC board meetings, I am really excited about and invigorated by the many brilliant facets of Vassar—the campus, the students, the faculty, the administration, and the leadership—that make it so very special. And the breadth and diversity of programs is breathtaking.

While we were there, the Inclusive History Commission presented an extraordinary program with student research on Reverend Howard Thurman and his legacy at Vassar. Former AAVC President Billie Gaines ’58 introduced the program with her reminiscences of the Chapel and the striking presence of Reverend Thurman, and I hope you might find time to watch it on the Vassar website.

In January, we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of the signature Sophomore Career Connections program. We are grateful to Carol Ostrow ’77, P’09,’15 and her family for their continuing partnership and funding for this amazing program. The Center for Career Education along with Advancement staff organized another stellar gathering for mentorship and networking that has become a cornerstone of the College’s efforts in this arena. This year, we had record attendance with 270 students and 103 alums and parents participating.

Sophomore Career Connections is important not just because it provides a remarkable opportunity for students to meet and engage with alums to learn and build connections, but it also reengages alums with Vassar and our incredible students. We often hear how SCC is what reconnected alums with the College, and how much they value their experience as mentors. So many of you are also involved in other career-related programs throughout the year, and your participation is invaluable and so deeply appreciated.

I must confess to some envy as I learn of the many opportunities our Career Education team offers our students for internships, summer jobs, fellowships, and post-graduation opportunities. They do a superb job of supporting our students in finding next steps throughout their college journey. AND, I would like all of you to know that they also support alums in career changes and searches—and would encourage you to reach out if you would like some advice.

The Bartlett Center for Admission and Career Education will be such a dazzling and significant addition to our campus and a wonderful home for these activities, but nothing is impeding the fabulous activities and opportunities being offered on campus. This is far beyond the Vassar I knew, and the one many of you knew, and I am so very proud of the extraordinary progress we have made and the future that awaits our students.

My very best wishes,

Monica Vacher signature
Monica Vachher ’77