Sophomore Career Connections 2024’s keynote speaker Ilyse Hogue, class of 1991, on the stage in Skinner Hall.
Students converse with alums during a networking session at the 2024 Sophomore Career Connections.

This Year’s Sophomore Career Connections

Thanks to the support of Vassar alum Carol Ostrow ’77, P’09, ’15, and her husband, Michael Graff, Vassar’s Sophomore Career Connections celebrated its 10th anniversary in January 2024. Sophomore Career Connections offers more than 250 students the opportunity to network and exchange industry information with over 100 alum and parent mentors in a wide variety of fields every year.

The event is co-hosted by the Center for Career Education and the Office of Advancement.

This year’s program gave sophomores the chance to connect with mentors in 18 different industries, including two new sectors—data science and public health.

Keynote speaker Ilyse Hogue ’91, longtime activist, political strategist, and former President and CEO of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), set the tone for the weekend by advising students to use the curiosity they employ every day at Vassar to embrace the world’s complexity.

“I am the poster child for a liberal arts education,” Hogue said during her 30-minute address in Skinner Hall. “Your ability to think critically will serve you for a lifetime.” She urged students to “find a career that enables you to maintain that curiosity. If you do, you will leave the world a better place than you found it, and that’s all anyone can ask.”

During this year’s Mentor Dinner, SCC benefactors Carol Ostrow ’77, and spouse Michael Graff, were presented with a giant cupcake in honor of the program’s 10th anniversary. SCC 2024’s keynote speaker Ilyse Hogue ’91, former President and CEO of NARAL Pro-Choice America, spoke of the benefits of a liberal arts education. Mentors and students got the opportunity to converse during a networking session at this year’s Sophomore Career Connections.